A project to reduce the burden of stroke in Nepal

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability in Nepal. 

Early treatment of strokes can save lives and reduce disabilities!

Stroke is one of Nepal’s heaviest health burdens and is not only the third leading cause of death in Nepal, but also associated with a drastic reduction in quality of life! Still, most people in Nepal have limited access to adequate stroke care and the awareness about stroke is low.

In 2021, the Nepal Stroke Association launched a nationwide initiative to provide basic stroke care for everyone in collaboration with scientists from the University Hospital Heidelberg. During the first funding period of the project  (2021 – 2023) more than 1,000 health care professionals attended 26 stroke-related workshops conducted by Nepalese and international stroke experts. Quality monitoring through the Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q) was introduced and collaboration with both, national and international, stakeholders was established. Additionally, awareness campaigns reached over 3 million people using social media campaigns as well as live events.

As we are entering the second funding period, the project continues to strive for the widespread access to stroke ready hospitals and care centers in Nepal. In addition to our existing activities, our goals for this project period include the further development of quality monitoring into a National Stroke Registry and the development of a national stroke roadmap and a recognized training program for health care professionals.

The project is supported by Hospital Partnerships funding program of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and financed by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Else Kröner-Fresenius foundation (EKFS). 

Nepal Stroke Project Logo


Read about the latest events:

Reisebericht – Pokhara

Teil II der Reise – von Andrea und Christoph Kosinski Für den nächsten Tag werden wir in Pokhara bereits im größten Universitätsklinikum der Stadt erwartet. 

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Ein Reisebericht

Ein Reisebericht von Dr Andrea Kosinski und Professor Christoph Kosinski 1. TagWir sind wieder zurück in Bharatpur, dem Ort mit ca 250.000 Einwohnern im Süden

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These hospitals take part in the project

Map of Nepal Stroke Project participating Hospitals

For a list of the hospitals, click on the NSP Google Maps top left corner


The aim of the Nepal Stroke Project is to improve stroke care along the continuum of stroke care: 

1. Establish nationwide stroke ready hospitals

2. Raise public awareness of strokes

3. Establish a national stroke registry

4. Achieve financing of stroke care


Stroke is a major cause of death and long-term disability in Nepal. However, in most cases quality stroke care is limited to a few hospitals in urban areas and stroke awareness is low.

Increasing stroke knowledge can not only support correct help-seeking behavior and treatment but also lower the risk of suffering a stroke through a modification of stroke risk factors.


We aim to increase access to quality stroke care by enhancing tertiary care centers into stroke ready hospitals which in turn can support regional hospitals to improve stroke care. Together with our partner hospitals we have formed stroke teams, developed practical hands-on guidelines, provided trainings and train-the-trainer workshops – and will continue to do so!

To spread awareness of stroke in public we have run multiple Social Media campaigns and live events.


Kathmandu (Grande International Hospital, National Neuro Center, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital)

B.P.Koirala Institute of Health Sciences

Bharatpur Hospital 

Manipal Teaching Hospital 

Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences

Bheri Hospital 

Devdaha Medical College Teaching Hospital

Surkhet Provincial Hospital 


The project started in 2021 as a nationwide initiative to provide basic stroke care for everyone in Nepal.

The first funding period was from 2021 – 2023. 

Going into its second funding period, the Nepal Stroke Project continues to advocate for stroke awareness and the widespread access to stroke ready hospitals and care centers in Nepal.


If you don’t know where to start, this is the most important read:


Training Material for Professionals

Plese send me the free “Stroke Knowledge” materials: